” 萬事皆有可能,“不可能”的意思是,“不,可能。”
“Nothing is impossible; the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!”
Audrey Hepburn
Apart from books, this bookstore also shares pleasant moments. , We read books, enjoy delicacies, get together, chat and relax in this space. Phases of our lives are shared and connected here, and we grow as time goes by. Looking back, you will find that all the feelings in this place have fermented into delightful memories.
定價 : 150 元/件
購買 : 歡迎電洽 (049) 291 3258 或寫信給我們 [email protected] 或臉書私訊
Hand Bag
Price: NT 150
please contact us at (049)2913258 if interested.
E-mail: [email protected]
我 身為獨角獸, 願竭盡所能追求夢想,擁抱愛,快樂做自己,此誓。
定價 : 380 元/件
購買 : 歡迎電洽 (049) 291 3258 或寫信給我們 [email protected] 或臉書私訊
Unicorn T-shirt
Price: NT 380
please contact us at (049)2913258 if interested.
E-mail: [email protected]
Impressions of Australia
畫家: 陳仕昀
One summer vacation, a little girl filled with curiosity traveled to Australia with her family, and decided to preserve those wonderful memories in “Impressions of Australia”.
Artist: Stephanie Chen
內容 : 紙質拼圖 520片,雙語澳洲印象繪本一冊。
定價 : 1680 元
促銷期間售價:1350 元(含運費)限量50份。
購買 : 歡迎電洽 (049) 291 3258 或寫信給我們 [email protected]
Content: 520 puzzle pieces and 1 Chinese-English bilingual picture book.
Price: NT 1680
Sale Price (up till Feb. 14.2016): NT 1350 (delivery fee included). 50 sets available.
please contact us at (049)2913258 if interested.
薑汁黑糖 Ginger Candy
黑糖的原料是甘蔗,含有95%左右的蔗糖,古法是將收割下來的甘蔗經過切碎碾 壓,壓出來的汁液先去除泥土、細菌、纖維等雜質,接著以小火熬煮5∼6小時,不斷攪 拌讓水份慢慢的蒸發掉,使糖的濃度逐漸增高,高濃度的糖漿在冷卻後會凝固成為固體塊狀的粗糖,也就是黑糖磚,這樣的傳統做法保持了甘蔗原本的營養,同時也使黑糖帶有一股類似焦糖的特殊風味。製作過程中熬煮的時間越久黑糖磚的顏色也越深,使黑糖呈現出不同深淺的紅褐色。
Black sugar is about 95% sucrose, as it is made from sugar cane.. The traditional way of production is to chop and crush the sugar canes to get the cane juice and filter out the dirt, bacteria, and fibers. After five to six hours of boiling and stirring, the water vaporizes, increasing the consistency of the sugar. The syrup then cools down into a solid black sugar block. This method preserves the natural nutrients of the sugar canes and adds a special caramel-like flavor to the sugar. The longer the boiling process is, the darker the color of the sugar. This process gives black sugar its various shades of reddish-brown.
售價 : 108元/100g
購買 : 歡迎電洽 (049) 291 3258 或寫信給我們 [email protected]
Ginger Candy
Sale Price: NT 108/100g
please contact us at (049)2913258 if interested.
古早味黑糖 Traditional Dark Brown Sugar
The history of Puli black sugar can be traced back to when Taiwanwas governed by the Japanese. Puli’s climate and water quality is suitable for sugar canes. Besides being important corps in Lancheng, the sugarcane fields also serve as major habitats of migratory birds. Unlike from refined sugar, black sugar contains vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and minerals such as iron, zinc, calcium and potassium. These nutritious elements make black sugar productsa top choice for winter nourishment. Our handmade black sugar encourages the younger generation to stay and makes people reminisce the old-time delights of Puli. The black sugar takes on an irregular form and a rich, charred taste after hours of frying over a warm fire, . It serves as a good snack and a welcome addition to black tea or coffee.
售價 : 89元/100g
購買 : 歡迎電洽 (049) 291 3258 或寫信給我們 [email protected]
Traditional Dark Brown Sugar
Sale Price: NT 89元/80g
please contact us at (049)2913258 if interested.